How to create and leave our comfort zones?

4 min readFeb 1, 2024

If you are looking to learn how to create a comfort zone for yourself and how to leave your comfort zone, this letter is for you.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

What is a comfort zone?

Most people define the “comfort zone” as a cozy space where we feel safe, familiar, and unchallenged. This definition is true yet I think it is missing something. I don’t think “comfort zone” is just a place, but a concept.

It is a feeling you feel when you don’t worry, you are certain about your expectations, and you know you can handle what is coming because you are familiar with what is coming.

It is in your skill set and you do not have to learn anything new to handle it. You just as you are can solve it, master it, welcome it. It is familiar and it is just a part of your daily routine.

It makes us feel confident, happy, strong, and in peace. It is a good feeling to have.

But it should not be our only feeling or expectation towards life.

We should love that we have a comfort zone where we can escape to find success, calmness, and happiness. And if we do not have one, we should put the effort into creating one for ourselves. But creating a comfort zone also means leaving your comfort zone and experiencing challenges.




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